August 01, 2007

Final adoption update

Dear Friends and Family,

I am hoping this will be our final adoption update for Saiyeh Crosscombe (except of course the book)!!
As you may remember the original estimate for fees, around $4,000, ballooned into almost $20,000 once the adoption was challenged. We have, thanks to many of you, been slowly paying this off over the past two years.
About two weeks ago we were contacted by our lawyer, after we had requested a reduction in fees. They informed us that they were about to begin charging 18% interest on the remaining balance of $10,000, unless we paid it off immediately. After much prayer we contacted them again and they offered us a 25% reduction if we agreed to pay it off by July 31st. Although this was a very short time frame, it meant at least a 40% reduction (25% plus the interest) so we agreed and began to pray some more.
I was supposed to write this letter right after that, and ask you to pray and seek the Lord on our behalf, and to also consider helping contribute to this need. Perhaps my procrastination was a leading from the Lord, though more likely just procrastination. Either way I am excited to tell you that the Lord worked through three sources and that the need has been met in its entirety!!!
Of course feel free to send us anything you would like to for our usual support, and thanks to those that already do.
In summary, I hope that this will serve the same function for you as it has done for us, being a reminder of how loving and faithful our heavenly Father is.

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