July 27, 2006

Another update

Dear friends and family,

We just arrived from Hershey after seeing the surgeon on Wednesday. The bone is healing well, as is the graft. The leg is getting stronger and the extension is good. Unfortunately the flexion (bending) was not. The surgeon had given Coz the
goal of 90 degrees by the visit. Coz reached 85 degrees on Monday and was
confident that the surgeon would accept that. He didn't. The surgeon feels
as though it just isn't moving well enough, and for Coz to have a real
chance of using his leg properly in the future a manual manipulation is the
best thing to do.
Coz is now scheduled to go back into Hershey Medical Center on August 8th for
3-4 days. The hope is that this will move the progress along and Coz will
get most of the movement back in his leg. After 4 weeks of 3 hour workouts
each day, very painful workouts, Coz is pretty depressed that he will be
back in hospital. He did ask the surgeon if he could take the next 2 weeks
off working out, seeing as they would be doing the manipulation, but he
didn't get that either. Visitors are welcome at the house. If you are unable to visit, phone calls and presents will lift his spirits as well. Coz is very goal driven and is really struggling at what he sees is failure.

Just to keep things interesting, our car was broken into last week. They
stole only pennies but cost us $160 for a new window. Then while in Hershey
someone broke into our apartment, which is attached to our main house. It
happened in the middle of the day. Our house was unlocked, the back door
open, but they didn't come into it. Could be our new puppy scared them
away. She does have a deep bark.

Thanks for your continued prayers and we will continue to keep you posted.


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